5 Axis Servo Control.
Smart camera for capturing different sizes and shapes of saw tips.
Precise dispensing flux in line or in small dots.
Faster brazing time.
Engineered for quick change over to different materials by one touch setting in software and mechanical settings.
New software with user-friendly touch screen operating controls with icon based command sequences.
ECO drive mode turns off the electricity and the compressed air for saving electricity.
Intelligent error display showing the reason, position, time and recovered time.
Remote maintenance via network interface.
Fixed Tip centering system of the saw body and the saw tip.
FET type semi conductor generator equipped with digital IR pyrometer and controller for heat control.
Automatic annealing cycle with temperature control and choice of disabling annealing process.
Jog speed controller of servo motors for precision set up.
Saveable large data bank space up to 75 different saw’s parameters.
Capable of using vacuum pads or electromagnets for loading system.